اين دوربين جذاب كه حالا ديگه در بازاري رقابتي تر از قبل بايد با mirrorless هايي از المپوس و پاناسونيك و ... با سنسورهايي در حدود 5 برابر بزرگتر مبارزه كنه، در Dpreview جايزه طلايي گرفت:
Conclusion - Pros
* Good image quality, useable results achievable up to ISO 3200 (if shooting Raw)
* Accurate metering and focus
* Good JPEG resolution (though stick to Raw for best results)
* Fast and responsive in use
* Excellent build quality
* Good ergonomics (extra control dial makes a lot of difference)
* Lots of manual control (we love the big chunky dials)
* Customizable control dials
* Versatile and sharp 28-140mm lens with effective stabilization
* Articulated LCD screen
Conclusion - Cons
* Poor optical finder (but no worse than G11/Nikon P7000)
* No direct video recording button
* 24fps maximum frame rate in 720p movie mode (although many people prefer this to 30fps+)
* Rear control dial can be hard to manipulate precisely
* Video function lacks finesse - no zooming or AF during recording
* Bulkier than some competitors