شايعات يا واقعيات ( مشخصات احتمالی Canon 60D)
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screen protector برای Canon 60D روی سایت آمازون! 60D در راهه ؟
مشخصات احتمالی کنون 60D
نقل قول:
- sensor seems to be a tweaked version of the current 15MP sensor (better
DR, better high ISO IQ, eliminated pattern banding at high ISO)
- 98%-coverage, 0.96x magnification VF
- 3″, 1150K-pixel, active-matrix, organic LED display (25% higher-res than
current 960K screens)
- 19-pt., all-cross type area AF ellipse (basically, the current 1-series AF
point layout w/o the 26-pt. assist AF pts.; the new 1-series apparently will
have an all-new 45-pt., all-cross type AF module; what limits Canon from
drastically reworking the AF-point layout is the fact that all the currrent
Speedlights have AF-assist beam patterns that are designed only for 7, 9 &
45-pt. AF layouts–they just can’t make a new area AF design or add more AF
pts. that easily because of that).
- 1080p@30fps full HD video with full manual controls and contrast-
detect AF, stereo audio inputs
- 7.4FPS@14-bit mode (CIPA-standard testing method)
- new DiGIC V is more than 2x faster than current DiGICIV, enables
onboard processing of all those DPP functions still not done in-camera
with the current cams (i.e., lateral CA correction, geometric
distortion correction, better highlight & shadow detail extraction,
plus new “Diffraction Elimination” function: pixel-level contrast
enhancement and sharpening to counteract aperture-related diffraction
- AE microadjustment; +/- 3 EV range with 1/6EV steps; separate saved
corrections for Evaluative, CWA, Partial and Spot metering
- new higher capacity, slightly higher-voltage (to drive the faster
mechanicals & electrical readouts for the higher framerate), chipped
Li-Polymer battery (LP-E7), with new, magnesium-alloy framed BG-E7
battery grip with AF-ON and mini-joystick selector buttons duplicated
- lastly, an all-new, pleasantly surprising “feature” that would bring
a smile to all the Canon loyalists (just watch for it) ;)
پاسخ: شايعات يا واقعيات ( مشخصات احتمالی Canon 60D)
حدس میزدم که به همین زودی ها از OLED استفاده کنن..البته شاید هم مانیتور LCD باشه که فقط از LED برای backlit استفاده کردن.بهرحال چند مزیت عمده داره :
-کاهش مصرف انرژی
-افزایش قابلیت دید مانیتور در نور خورشید
-پیشتیبانی بیشتر از طیف رنگی NTSC
البته بنظر میاد که OLED باشه که در این حالت کمی گران درمیاد..اگر هم OLED باشه رنگ ها حالت مصنوعی ندارن و به راحتی در آفتاب قابل مشاهده هستن.طیف رنگی و سرعت واکنش پیکسلی و کنتراست هم بینهایت بالاست.