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لکسار مموریهای XQD خود را بعد از سپاتامبر معرفی خواهد کرد.
.نقل قول:
Lexar Announces Support for XQD Memory Card Specification
Lexar XQD Memory Cards to be Compatible with Nikon D4 and Future XQD-based Camera Models
Fremont, CA, 11 July, 2012 – Lexar, a leading global brand of flash memory products, today announced its support of the XQD™ memory card specification for compatibility with Nikon D4 and future XQD-based camera models. Expected to be available in the third quarter of 2012, Lexar XQD memory cards will offer high-speed performance in a range of capacities to effectively capture and store high-quality images, 1080p full high-definition (HD) video, and 3D video content.
“By collaborating with Lexar, we’re reinforcing the fact that the XQD specification represents one of the futures of high-performance memory cards,” said Nobuaki Sasagaki, General Manager of marketing department, Imaging Company, Nikon Corporation. “Our cooperation efforts demonstrate the vision shared by Nikon and Lexar to continue advancing the photography and imaging market with innovative technology and extremely high performance.”
“We are committed to offering innovative and industry-leading photography solutions, which is why we’re working with Nikon to offer and co-market XQD memory cards. We view the XQD standard as one of the most logical ways to increase interface speed beyond that of existing CompactFlash technology with the capability of offering performance up to 5Gb per second, in time,” said Wes Brewer, vice president of products and technology, Lexar. “This collaboration provides assured compatibility with Lexar XQD memory cards and Nikon D4 and makes this technology available to the entire photo industry.”
XQD memory cards are based on the PCI Express® specification, which offers 2.5Gb per second performance today with plans for 5Gb per second performance in the future
نیکون در فتوکینا امسال لنز 800 f/5.6 را معرفی خواهد کرد.
معمولا چیزهایی که در Canon Rumors گفته میشه خیلی به واقعیت نزدیک هستند.
به احتمال زیاد سنسور APS-C 18mp و صفحه نمایش لمسی در اولین Mirorless کنون تا 10 روز دیگه رسما معرفی میشه.
مشخصات فول فریم بعدی کنون که احتمالا پاییز امسال معرفی خواهد شد:
22mp (Same sensor as 5D3)
19 AF Points
ISO 100-51200
3″ LCD
Smaller than the 5D Mark II
More Plastic than metal in the construction
Pop-Up Flash (On at least one prototype)
$1999 USD at launch
Launched with a new non-L full frame kit lens (Undisclosed what the lens is)
Compatible with full frame STM lenses
آیا این Leica M10 است ؟
فایل پیوست 30249
فایل پیوست 30250
یک خبر جدید و تا حدودی بد: میرورلس کنون دوشنبه معرفی خواهد شد ولی نباید منتظر یک طراحی retro و رنج فایندری باشیم. این دوربین بیشتر شبیه نیکون سری 1 خواهد بود تا فوجی X-Pro 1! بقیه مشخصات همچنان مبهم هست! (CR3)
این هم اولین عکس از میرورلس کنون با لنز جدید EF-M 22mm f/2 STM.
چه قيافه ي بله (Bolh) اي داره:::whistling:::