2013 Predictions for Canon EOS Products
From Nippon Magazine
A Japanese magazine has posted their predictions as to what they think Canon will be releasing in 2013. The list falls in line with most things we’ve heard, except for the last camera mentioned.
- EOS 70D – March 2013
- EOS 700D – June 2013
- EOS Me – July 2013
- EOS 7D Mark II – August 2013
- EOS 3D – October 2013
The first four on the list are a lock to be coming in 2013, and the timing looks correct as well. As for the October announcement, I’ve heard nothing regards to that. I was told by a great source that
Canon would be releasing 3 DSLRs and 1 EOS M body in 2013. However, that does leave a loophole for an “announcement” of another body, even if it isn’t available for purchase until 2014.
http://www.canonrumors.com/wp-conten...ed-434x575.jpgFrom Nippon Magazine