عكسهاي بيشتر
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عكسهاي بيشتر
نميدونم اين عكس رو كجا بزارم تو چند روز تعطيلي به اصفهان رفته بوديم كه تو يه تاكسي چنين چيزي ديدم داشتيم صحبت ميكرديم صداي آب اومد خيال كردم يكي از گوشياي بچه هاست كه صداي مسجش آب هستش تا نگاه كرديم ديديم راننده به بچه ها يكي يه ليوان آب داره ميده :confused:عجب آبي خنك جاي شما خالي:::big grin::: ازش پرسيديم چيكار كرده گفت ماشين با گاز كار ميكنه جاي باك بنزين مخزن آبش كرده وهر وقت ماشين روشن ميشه آّ بعد از 15 دقيقه خنك ميشه با برق ماشين كار ميكنه زياد توضيح نداد(چون ميدونست كپي رايت ميشه) حالا چه جوري خدا داند سفارش هم ميگيره :::big grin::: يه چيزاي ديگه هم انجام داده بود كه خيلي برام جالب بود حتي كولر براي ماشينش گذاشته بود نه ازاين كولر هاي ماشينا با آّ وپوشال درست كرده بود اينجور كه خودش تعريف ميكرد.........
به حق چيزاي نديده ونشنيده .(امان از دست اين اصفهانيا):::big grin::::eek:
Sally Mann
This photo, titled Candy Cigarette, not just displays something, it tells a story. It is both emotional and beautiful. This is what the originality of black-and-white- photography is all about
يه عكس ديگه از همون لينك
Mark Daniel Owen
I heart you. Do you see what we see?
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon AF Fisheye-Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G IF-ED DX
Location: Miraflores
Date: Jun 15, 2008
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 640
Shutter: 1/13
Thanks for your kind comments and special thanks to my models Fico (the bad guy), Tony (the dead body) and his girlfriend whose name I do not have at the moment. They kindly accepted to pose as per my weird directions.
I am surprised I took the red with this entry. I really liked the idea and how the acted scene came out in the shot, but was aware of the technical problems with the execution: 1) My hands had shaken during the 1/10th of a second needed for background exposure with available light (fg has the aid of SB-800 fill light); 2) I did not make the best job with the processing when trying to compensate the lack of focus while enhancing the dramatic effect of shadows. I was not satisfied with the post processing but the story telling was good enough to enter it. I wish I had more time to do it better.
Some of you may like something like this better:
This one does not have the exposure correction to bring some detail to sky though, which was important for the drama mood.کد:http://images.dpchallenge.com/images_portfolio/67237/orig/Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_690677.jpg
مرجع : امضاي روي عكس .
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