Model800 mm
Mirror f/8.0 MCLens styleTelephotoFocal length 800 mmMaximum aperturef / 8Minimum aperture8Auto focus typeMFLens Construction8 elements / 8 groupsDimensions111 x 114.5 mmWeight946 gAdditional informationT-bayonet mount The
applicability of the front filter diameter of 105 mm
جناب جمسي عزيز با باز كردن بحث اين لنز جاي اين لنز رو باز كردند.
اما در باب اين لنز اين نكته خيلي جالب بود.
What is more, one can buy dedicated coverter x2 thanks to which our camera will acquire the focal length of 1600mm. Worth mentioning is the fact that while using object lenses with APS-C cameras the focal length should be additionaly multiplicated by 1,5x so it will be 1200mm and after the use of the converter 750mm using tings werit will be 2400mm.
نمونه عكسي از اين لنز دوستان در اختيار دارند؟