Saturday 3 December 2005, 08:22
Kodak Plugins
Kodak Eastman Digital for Adobe Photoshop
Kodak.Eastman.Digital.Sho.Pro.v2.0.0.for.Adobe.Pho toshop.for.Windows.XP-DVT
The DIGITAL SHO Plug-In, for ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and compatible programs, automatically reveals image details hidden in
shadow areas with the professional version also revealing details from highlights and supporting 16-bit. Great for fixing
common exposure problems caused by backlit subjects, uneven flash illumination and partial shade.
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Kodak.Eastman.Digital.Gem.Pro.v2.0.0.for.Adobe.Pho toshop.for.Windows.XP-DVT
Kodak.Eastman.Digital.Gem.Pro.v2.0.0.for.Adobe.Pho toshop.for.Windows.XP-DVT
The DIGITAL GEM Plug-Ins, for ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and compatible programs, automatically reduces and manages noise and grain
in digital images without causing excessive softening or blurring. The professional version adds a powerful new
grain/noise reducing algorithm, a "Noise Preview" screen, 16-bit support, and more.
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Kodak.Eastman.Digital.Gem.Airbrush.Pro.v2.0.0.for. Adobe.Photoshop.for.Windows.XP-DVT
The DIGITAL GEM Airbrush Professional Plug-In, for ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and compatible programs, automatically smoothes skin
and other surfaces of digital images without softening or blurring important details like eyelashes, eyebrows, or hair.
Supports 16-bit color images.
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Kodak.Eastman.Digital.Roc.Pro.v2.0.0.for.Adobe.Pho toshop.for.Windows.XP-DVT
The DIGITAL ROC Plug-Ins, for ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and compatible programs, automatically correct, restore, and balance the
color of digital images. The professional version adds the ability to control image contrast and brightness in addition to
color, and it supports the use of 16 bit color images.
Rar pass: www.2baksa.net
Graphicxtras Andrew Plugins Collection v1.08 for Adobe Photoshop
Andrew's Plugins 'Special Deal Collection' PC Version, plugins for Photoshop and PSP and others. Volume 1 2 3 ... 19.
packed with literally zillions and zillions of superb effects - from color effects,emboss effects, gradients, edge /
sketch effects, motion effects, tiling and many more.
Andrew's Plugins Special Deal (Updated August 2005)
-- 188 PC plugins in one special priced bundle - a massive saving on all our plugins sets combined
-- Plugins sets Andrew's Plugins vol 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 19 all in one deal - Millions of superpb effects / useful tools in a
single package
The plugin collection Includes the following:
Andrew's Plugins Vol 1 - Innovations / mixed plugins
Andrew's Plugins Vol 2 - Distortion and blur and wave plugins
Andrew's Plugins Vol 3 - Photographic / photo effect plugins
Andrew's Plugins Vol 4 - 20 blur effects plugins / line / dots ...
Andrew's Plugins Vol 5 - Noise and paint plugins
Andrew's Plugins Vol 6 - Color threshold / grain / paint effects
Andrew's Plugins Vol 7 - 1000s and 1000s of colorful gradients patterns
Andrew's Plugins Vol 8 - Gradients / smears
Andrew's Plugins Vol 9 - Blurs / smears plugins / image echoes
Andrew's Plugins Vol 10 - Mixed color plugins
Andrew's Plugins Vol 11 - Color plugins / gradient plugins
Andrew's Plugins Vol 12 - Gradient plugins - 1000s of effects
Andrew's Plugins Vol 13 - Distortion blur utility plugins and more
Andrew's Plugins Vol 14 - Motion plugins / video repeats
Andrew's Plugins Vol 15 - Color effects
Andrew's Plugins Vol 16 - Power blend / amazing distortion effects
Andrew's Plugins Vol 17 - Edge and sketch plugins
Andrew's Plugins Vol 18 - Billions of gradient color combinations
Andrew's Plugins Vol 19 - Weird and wonderful surreal paint plugin
Additional Information
-- Each of the plugins comes with 77 output modes such as tiling / color wrap / posterization and more + many have
additional effects modes - so literally zillions of plugins in one special deal.
-- 188 plugins have been included in the special bundle
-- The plugins work in Photoshop CS2 CS1 6 7 Painter Paint Shop Pro PhotoImpact Photo-Paint Canvas and many many other
-- The plugins set includes millions of effects, here is a very brief list of all the plugins included: line plugins,
emboss plugins, ring effect plugins, color plugins, negative plugins, edge and sketch plugins, drawing plugins, abstract
plugins, gradient plugins, pattern magic plugins, sketch plugins, ring splatter plugin, color gradient plugin, surreal
paint plugins, color gradient plugins, blur plugins, smear plugins, distortion plugins, twirl plugin, warp plugins and
many many more
-- This is a plugin set direct from the developer of the plugins (such as previous series as the Andrew's filters 1000
series / plugin magic / innovations and more)
-- The plugins can be used in many color modes such as RGB CMYK LAB 16 bit 8bit and more
-- The plugins all come with a preset feature / large preview as well as many tutorials and presets and much more
-- An amazing set of superb effects
-- Photoshop is registered trademark of Adobe
-- Plugins collection also include many additional items such as how tos / frames / displacement maps / patterns /
textures / documentation / presets / shapes...
Rar pass: www.2baksa.net
take pleasure of great plugins !
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