ظاهراً اين فايلها به علت انكودينگ پيچيدهاي كه دارند براي اديت سنگين هستند. در سايت لومينس لنسكيپ (در اين مقاله) راهي را پيشنهاد كرده كه شما ويديوهايتان را به فايلهاي بزرگتري كه فرمت سادهتري دارند تبديل كنيد(البته اين پروسه ظاهراً بسيار زمانبر است):
Some programs can import AVCHD files and convert them as needed, such as iMovie 08, Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Pro Express for Macs. But rendering times can be long. Fortunatly, there is a better way.
This involves transcoding your AVCHD files to a format that is easier to edit. The simplest approach is to do this on a batch basis using a program such as
Voltaic, available for both Macs and Windows machines. Copy your camera's file to a hard drive, load them into Voltaic, and then take a break (sometimes a very long one). Once transcoded your files will be in a format that any popular editing program can easily handle. But – be warned. Depending on your computer's power, this can be a long and tedious process. This is one of the dirty little secrets of AVCHD. The time that you gain by working with memory cards rather than tape (and its need to be transferred in real time) is lost with AVCHD because of the need to transcode files to an editable format.