More D3 Magic From Dave Black:
Let me say that I believe the Nikon D3 digital SLR camera will encourage photographers to think in new and creative ways. There are so many advancements in this camera that photographers of all subject matter, whether it be photojournalism, sports, weddings, landscapes, portraits, etc.will all benefit from the revolutionary technology that the D3 offers.
The exceptionally clean high ISO sensitivity performance at up to ISO 6400. UNBELIEVABLE! You have to see it to believe it. The extremely low noise at ISO6400 is perhaps the calling card of the Nikon D3. Making impossible situations possible the ISO of 6400 is not just usable, it is BEAUTIFUL and easily publishable for magazine covers and double page spreads. The noise level is so low and minimal at ISO3200 and ISO6400 that words like incredible or astonishing still fall short of truly describing the quality of the image.
The 12.1 megapixel Nikon FX Format CMOS sensor is key to this camera's success. It says 12.1 megapixels but the D3 clearly produces images with quality that one might think came from a camera with 17 megapixels. There is much more detail, clarity, depth of pixel and dynamic range than any 12.1 megapixel camera has ever had before. I like the fact that the file size has remained similar to a D2X but the quality of the file has greatly increased and is evident in both the print form and in published materiel. It is the new Nikon FX Format CMOS imaging sensor that makes the next breakthrough feature possible.
It is my opinion that the Nikon D3 digital SLR camera will be viewed as an industry innovation that changed the way photographers produce pictures. Like the development of the Motor Drive in the 1960s, Auto Focus in the 1980s and the Digital Revolution we enjoy today the Nikon D3 will be spoken of as a landmark development in photographic history.It's a whole new world out there with the Nikon D3 and I'm excited about it.