فرمور های قدیمی رو از کجا میتونم پیدا کنم؟
احتیاج به نسخه 1.0.3 برای Canon 40D دارم.
Printable View
فرمور های قدیمی رو از کجا میتونم پیدا کنم؟
احتیاج به نسخه 1.0.3 برای Canon 40D دارم.
فریمور جدید 5D MKII ورژن2.0.8
کد HTML:http://web.canon.jp/imaging/eosd/firm-e/eos5dmk2/firmware.html
فریمور جدید 7D ورژن 1.2.3
و همچنین
فریمور جدید 550D ورژن 1.0.9
سوالی برام پیش اومده و اون اینکه چرا برای 50دی هیچ فریم ور جدیدی تولید نمیشه؟ :(
مثلا در مورد نویز ها شاید یه کاری میشد بکنن و یا موارد دیگش...
مدتی پیش در تاپیک شایعات خبر ورود فرمور آلفا 850 و 900 را دادم.مثل اینکه به واقعیت ها پیوست...
البته نیاز شدیدی حس نمیشه ولی کاش یه فیرم ور هم برای آلفا 230 میومد که یکم ایزو 3200 رو از لحاظ نویز بهتر میکرد.
فریمور جدید 60D ورژن 1.0.8
با سلام،
firmware جدید نیکون D7000
نقل قول:
Bright spots were sometimes noticeable with live view mode or movie recording of especially dark scenes or subjects. Occurrence of this issue has been reduced.release date December 22, 2010
صحبتی از اشکالات گزارش شده در سیستم نورسنجی در میان نیست.کد HTML:http://support.nikonusa.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/17108
firmware جدید برای نیکون D3100
.نقل قول:
Modifications enabled with this firmware upgrade, release date January 25, 2011
* A magenta tint was present at the bottom of still images captured at high sensitivities after shooting in live view mode or recording movies for an extended length of time. The occurrence of this magenta tint has been reduced.
* When images captured with continuous shooting in live view mode were played back, in some very rare cases, some of the images were not properly displayed. This issue has been resolved.
* When shooting in live view mode with AF-area mode set to Subject-tracking AF, in some very rare cases, the focus point slipped off the subject with autofocusing after the intended tracking subject had been selected. This issue has been resolved.
* When images edited using camera retouch functions were played back in calendar playback mode, they were assigned to dates based not on the date of capture, but rather the date on which they were edited. This issue has been resolved.
* When white balance for RAW images created using the camera’s image overlay function was fine tuned with Capture NX 2 or ViewNX 2, the images acquired a magenta cast. This issue has been resolved.
* A portion of the error message displayed when live view mode could not be initiated because the camera’s internal temperature was too high has been revised.
* When Noise reduction in the shooting menu is set to On, operation is as follows