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شما می توانيد عکس های دوربين عکاسی معمولی را با نرم افزارهای بسياری که در اينترنت هست به عکس های سه بعدی تبديل کنيد . نرم افزارهای زير نمونه هايی از اين برنامه ها هستند.
bas-relief 963kB
اين نرم افزار رايگان و کاربردی است.
1.09MB free 3d journal
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شما برای ديدن عکس های سه بعدی به يک عينک نياز داريد که يک طرف آن به رنگ قرمز و طرف ديگر آن آبی باشد. شما می توانيد با استفاده از دو تلق آبی و قرمز اين عينک را بسازيد!
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موضوع: عکس های سه بعدی مريخ < مريخ< همه گروهها
می توانيد نمونه هايی از عکس های سه بعدی را ببينيد البته با عينک قرمز و آبی .
Make 3D photos with an ordinary camera
ساختن عکس سه بعدی با دوربين معمولی!
Maybe you don't believe it's possible. But you should. It's possible and it's very easy. Sure – it's recommended to have a professional equipment for making professional 3D pictures, but for making normal 'home' 3D photos you can use an ordinary camera or camcorder. How to do it? We will tell you in this article.
Before talking about making 3D photos, let's talk shortly about what target we want to reach – how exactly will our spatial (3D) picture look like. Everybody knows an ordinary photo - it's flat and it looks flat. 3D photo contains an information about the distance of every object on the photo from the camera. That's the reason why 3D photo doesn't look flat but spatial. But the denotation 3D is little bit inaccurate – these pictures ase stereograms (stereographs). You can see the objects on a stereogram in a space, but you can't rotate the stereogram and see them for example from the back. It's not real 3D record, it's 'only' stereogram
For taking 3D photos you can use any camera - classical camera, digital camera and even a camcorder or webcam. It's similar to classical photo - if you have better camera (and you are a good photographer) then you have better pictures. In 3D photography it's necessary to transfer taken pictures to the computer. It's easy if you have a digital camera or a digital camcorder. If you have an ordinary film camera you have to use scanner and with analog camcorder you have to use a special PC card for loading video. The best choice is a digital camera – the cheapest ones cost about $90.
The taken pictures are then modified in a computer with a special software - you can find it on our pages. The subscribers of 3DJournal can download a full version of the software, other people can use a free version, which paints small circles and the text '3DJournal - FREE' to the finished picture. You can see 3D photos through special glasses, which you can buy in some towns of the world - our subscribers get it for free. And one more important thing: We talk here about 3D photos which are made with an Anaglyph method (with red/blue glasses) - it's affordable for everybody. Similar procedures you can use for other methods as well. We are going to write about them in other issues of our magazine
Let's begin
First steps by taking 3D photos are the same as by standard flat photos. You have to choose (or create) the right scene. To get 3D photo (stereogram) it's necessary to take two pictures - one from the position of your 'left eye' and the second from the position of your 'right eye'. It's easy. Just take a snap and then shift the camera a few inches to the right (or to the left) and take second snap. You can use a tripod, but it can be done without it as well.
At the time of taking first and second picture the camera should be in the same height and to have the same gradient. If you bend the camera in the time between taking these two snaps, for example in the direction to the ground or to the sky (or in the way that the scene is sloped to the right or to the left), it will be difficult to make final 3D picture (and in the worst case even impossible)
The scene
Preparing or selection of the scene is in 3D photographing a little bit more complicated than in the case of normal 2D photos. To emphasize the 3D effect we recommend to select a scene, where are objects of different distance from the camera. If you, for example, take a picture of mountains far away, it's good idea to select a scene, where is a tree or a big stone in foreground. The tree or the stone then emhasizes the 3D effect.
The situation is simpler in the case you take a picture of a room. There you can usually find some thigs which are closer and some in longer distance. For example a birthday cake on the table before the group of children.
When we talk about children - there is one more important thing you shouldn't forget about. The scene can't change between taking of the two pictures (the left one and the right one). If it changes then the two pictures don't show the same scene and creating of 3D photo is impossible. It could be easy to manage in many cases - people are used to be still when photographed and they can stay still two or three seconds longer. But it could be a problem for example with animals. In these cases you will need a special stereocamera. About this kind of equipment we are going to write in one of the next issues of 3DJournal.com
Taking snaps
After preparing the scene you can take the pictures. If you take a photo of a 'standard scene', you should shift the camera (between the first and second snap) for 3 inches - it's approximately the distance of human eyes. If you take picture of objects in longer distance from the camera, you can shift the camera more, in the case of very near object you have to use shorter distance
There are two recommended ways of taking left and right pictures, but the first step is always the same: You choose one point in the scene (a tower far away, a tree nearby, your sister's eye). Then you can take the pictures in this way: The selected point is exactly in the center of the picture for the left and for the right picture. And the second way: On the second photograph you shift the point by the same distance you have shifted the camera. You can see it on the picture here. (First way is A, second is B). Don't forget that if the point is far away and you shifted the camera by 3 inches then the shift on the object far away won't be visible (we believe you can't recognize 3 inches on the tower 10 miles away. So you can direct the camera to the same point
Tips and tricks
: The easiest way to make a good 3D photo is this
1) Select a good scene and then remember one point on the scene (a stone, a man, a tree) and try to get it to the vertical axis of the finder of the camera (look at the picture here). Good idea is to 'attach' it to a sign in the finder - for example to the cross in the center. Some cameras have special signs in the finder - the time, the distance etc. You can use one of them
2) Straddle to be stable. Take a first picture
3) Don't move your body - only the camera - by 2 - 3 inches
4) Check the position of the selected point (the stone, the man, the tree) - it should be in the same height on the vertical axis. Take a second snap
If you can, set the camera in the way it focuses all the scene. Cheap automatic cameras do it usualy in this way. It's unsuitable to focus only the main object of the scene for 3D pictures
Create a 3D photo
Transfer your photos to the computer and start the program 3DJournal (you can download it U color=#000000from our pages /U). It's easy to use. Just push the buttons at the right edge of the window of 3DJournal -- the first button, the second button, the third button...
First button loads the left photo, second one loads the right photo. Third button makes 3D picture. You should see mixed the original snaps and some red and blue 'ghosts'. Look at it using 3D glasses. Isn't it OK? No problem. Let's make a few corrections.
Because of possible distortions by taking left and right photos by an usual camera without a tripod we've build to the 3DJournal software functions, which can correct most of the problems. You can use arrows to the up, down, left and right to shift one of the images, you can rotate it (buttons R) to get the best possible 3D picture. You can also make it black-and-white. And then... then save it to the disk
Detailed informations about how to use the program 3DJournal you can find in U color=#000000this article /U
خلاصه متن
ba salam
aval az hame bayad begam se bodi kardane akshaye mamooli kheili sadas va man kholaseye matne engelisiye bala ra minevisam
ghabl az inke dar morede sakhtane akse se odi tozih bedam bayad begam ke akse se bodi chi hast ? akse se bdo aksi hast ke dar an bar khalafe aksaye mamolli faseleye ashya ham ba ham dar tasvir maloom bashad.dar hale hazer doorbin haye 3d (se bodi)ziyadi mesle doorbine herfe iye nikon vojood dare ke aksaye se bodi ba keifiyate bala migiran .aksese bodiye vaghe i ine ke tasvir kamelan se bodi bashe va az har taraf beshe aks ro didi . vali tarze kare aksaye se bodi ke aghlab dar hale hazer hast kamelan fargh dare va baraye se bodi kardan az technice barjaste sazi (stereo graphy) estefade mishe . albate aksaye se bodi ke ba doorbine makhsoos gerefte mishe keifiate kheili khoobi dare vali ba doorbine digital mamooli ya dooorbine akasi ye mamooli ham mishe akse se bodi sakht!
baraye sakhtane akse se bodi avalin marhale aks gereftane ke mohemtarin ghesmate . aks hayee ke gerfte mishe bayad be vasile i dakhele computer beshe shoma mitoonin akso scan konin va ya agar doorbine digital darin ke che behtar .
barye sakhtane akse se bodi az yek manzare chand nokte mohem ast .aval inke az an manzare bayad 2 ta aks gerefte shavad. dar ebteda az mali ke mikhahin akse aval ra migirin sepas bedoone inke doorbin bala va payeen ravad(bedoone hakate amoodi) be meghdare hodoode 5 cm doorbin ra ofoghi harkat midahim va akse dovom ra migirim . agar doorbin bala va payeen shavad aks kharab mishavad pas behtar ast az paye ye doorbin estefade konid .ya imke mitavanid dahengame gereftane akse aval jesmi ra dar manzare neshan konid va fasele ah ra ba ayyene manzare be khater besparid .va vaghti akse dovom ra migirid an neshan ra peida konid va ertefa ra nesbat be an tanzim knid. albate pas az modati ba tamrin mitavanid bedoone paye ya chizi dooorbin ra bedoon harkate amoodi 4 ta 5 cm be soorate ofoghi harkat dahid.
hala bad az in ke 2 ake khod ra varede computer kardid be yek barneme ehtiaj darid ta in 2 aks ra tabdil be yek akse se bodi konad. dar balaye safhe do nemoone az in narm afzar ha morefi shode ast ke bayad an ra download konid . agar barname haye digari khastid mitavanid ba jostejoo dar internet anha ra peida konid. ke albate aksare in baname ha pooli ast vali barname haye rayegane ( convert 2d to 3d) niz vojood darad agar barnameye khoobi peida kardid be ma ham eela dahid va LINKE an ra dar inja gharar dahid ta hame az an estefade konand.
kar kardan ba narm afzar haye tabdile akse mamooli be se bodi besyar asan ast shoma aks samte chap va rast ra dar barname vared mikonid va barname 2 aks ra ba ham tarkib mikonad va akse se bodi be shoma tahvil midahad . ke bazi az barname ha akse siyah va sefide se bodi misazand vali bishtare anha akse rangi misazand.
baraye didan e aks haye se bodi shode shoma ba yek einkak niyaz darid ke yek tarafe an talghe abi va yek taraf talghe ghermez bashad . sakhtan az asan hast va be asani mitavanid besazid aslan mitavanid az maghaze yek talghe abi va yek talghe ghermez bekharid va talghe abi ra joloye yek cheshm va talhe ghermez ra joloye cheshme digar begirid va aks haye se bodi ra bebinid dar internet album haye se bodi ye faravani vojood darad ke mitavanid anha ra be rahati ba einake khod bebinid .
dar hale hazer aks haye sayarat va faza va... be soorate se bodi dar internet mojood ast ke az didane an lezat mibarid . be onvane mesal dar site parssky dar]