Hasselblad has launched the H4D-40, 40 megapixel medium format camera. It incorporates a 33 x 44mm CCD sensor (almost twice the size of a full-frame 35mm DSLR sensor) and includes the 'True Focus' AF system introduced in the H4D-50 and 60. The H4D-40 kit, including camera body, 80mm lens and viewfinder is available at a retail price of US $19,955 (£12,995) and includes the company's Phocus 2.0 software.
مشخصات این دوربین:
Digital Features:
Sensor size: 40.0 Mpixels (7304×5478 pixels)
Sensor dimensions: 33.1×44.2 mm
Image size: RAW 3FR capture 50 MB on average. TIFF 8 bit: 120 MB
File format: Lossless compressed Hasselblad RAW 3FR
Shooting mode: Single shot
Color definition: 16 bit
ISO speed range: ISO 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600
Storage options: CF card type U-DMA (e.g. SanDisk extreme IV) or tethered to Mac or PC
Color management: Hasselblad Natural Color Solution
Storage capacity: 4 GB CF card holds 75 images on average
Capture rate: 1.1 seconds per capture. 33 captures per minute
Color display: Yes, 3 inch TFT type, 24 bit color, 230 400 pixels