مطلب جالبی در سایت شایعات کانن دیدم مبنی بر شایعه تولید Canon 60D به علت عدم استقبال خوب از 50D و همچنین در جهت رقابت با Nikon D300.
متن اصلی شایعه:
Canon has apparently been humbled by the lack sales with the 50D. The 40D was a fantastic selling camera for Canon.
The motivation for the next incarnation is to directly attack the success of Nikon’s D300.
A newer contact has said there will be an APS-H based xxD sized body. It will have a version of the EOS-1 AF system, so expect more AF points than the current 50D. It will shoot 6fps. It will have the same build quality of the 5D Mark II. It will have a new 12.1mp sensor.
The hope is to retail the camera for $1999 USD initially.
ولی فکر نکنم فعلا این شایعه به واقعیت تبدیل بشه. چون مدت کمی است که از عرضه 50D میگذره. نظر دوستان چیه؟