اول اینكه در هر آپدیت كه شركت سازنده ی دوربین ارائه میده . یكسری از معایب و اشكالات شناخته شده ی دوربین و همین طور بنا به موجود بودن امكانات سخت افزاری ممكن است امكاناتی به دوربین اضافه شود...
اما بیشتر برای رفع اشكال این Firmware عرضه میشود...
مثلا ممكن است فوكوس مشكل داشته باشد و یا اینكه نویز ریداكشن دوربین عملكرد خوبی نداشته باشد و یا از این قبیل ایرادات...
در مورد آموزش باید عرض كنم اما اصولی مشترك است . اینكه باطری فول شارژ باشد.مموری را فرمت كرده باشید.دوربین را در هنگام آپدیت خاموش و یا روشن نكنید.صبر كنید تا دوربین دستور خاموش شدن را بدهد و این قبیل كارها....
و اما برای Nikon D40
یك بروزرسانی برای دوربین شما عرضه شد كه برای دریافت اون میتوانید به این آدرس مراجعه كنید.( ابتدا ورژن Firmware دوربین تان را چك كنید شاید بروز باشد )
اشكالات و معایبی كه رفع شده.....
The product will be "Certified for Windows Vista".
Support for the new USB Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) has been added.
The PTP option in the setup menu's USB item will be modified to MTP/PTP. The icon will also be modified
The range of possible settings for the Date option in the setup menu's World time item will be changed to 2000-2099.
An issue that caused the ISO auto feature to be disabled, when a two-button reset operation was performed with ISO sensitivity set to any option other than ISO 200, has been resolved.
When attempting to edit images, which had already been edited using a computer, with options in the D40's retouch menu, the camera sometimes froze. Therefore, images that have been edited using a computer can no longer be edited using the camera.
An issue that prevented accurate recording of flash output value when manual flash photography was applied with use of the Nikon Speedlight SB-400 has been resolved so that flash output value is accurately recorded.
Errors in English, Polish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese menus have been corrected.
When white balance is fine-tuned, "+" or "?" will be displayed with the following icons:
White balance mode icon in the shooting information display
White balance mode icon in the shooting menu
When the mode dial is set to a Digital Vari-Program and the AF-area mode setting is changed, the AF-area mode setting will no longer revert to the default setting with the following operations:
The camera is turned off
Monitor and exposure meters turn off automatically (auto meter off)
The electronic analog exposure displays will flash in the viewfinder and the shooting information display when:
The brightness of the subject exceeds the range that can be controlled by the camera, whether too bright or too dark
While in P (Programmed Auto) exposure mode with the built-in flash raised.
برای Windows
برای Macintosh
در همان صفحه به طور كامل طریقه ی آپدیت را آموزش داده است.....
همین طور برای Nikon D80
اشكالات و معایبی كه رفع شده.....
The electronic analog exposure display will be displayed in the viewfinder when the brightness of the subject exceeds the range that can be controlled by the camera, whether too bright or too dark, in the following shooting modes:
Shutter-priority auto (S) or Aperture-priority auto (A) exposure modes with the built-in flash up
Programmed auto (P) exposure mode
Effects of processing performed when the Long exp. NR item in the shooting menu is enabled have been improved.
When attempting to edit images, which had already been edited using a computer, with options in the D80’s retouch menu, the camera sometimes froze. Therefore, images that have been edited using a computer can no longer be edited using the camera.
Errors in English, Polish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese menus have been corrected.
برای Windows
برای Macintosh
( بنده هیچ مسئولیتی در قبال این لینك ها و اشكالات احتمالی و هرگونه احمالی از جانب شما ندارم و تنها اطلاع رسانی كرده ام )
پی نوشت....
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