كاوه در مقايسه D80 و 400D حق با من بود اين گفته آقا فيله در مورد اين مسئلس اينم لينكش
The EOS 400D delivered around 0.3 EV (a third of a stop) more dynamic range than the competition. As mentioned above this was primarily in highlight range which (assuming the same exposure) would enable it to better capture areas of the image which may otherwise be overexposed. It's also clear from the graph below that Canon are using a tone curve which will produce a more gradual roll-off to highlights (Nikon in particular tend to use a more contrasty tone curve).
در مقايسه 350D و D70 و D50 من مطمئنم كه 350D تمايل به اور شدن دارد متاسفانه لينكي پيدا نكردم
در مقايسه 30D و D200 گويا حق با تو باشه