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Blur Measurements (BxU Units)
Sharpness is probably the first characteristic anyone thinks of when considering lens quality, and it's here that the combination of DxO Analyzer with our own graphing and display software shows the most revealing results.Sharpness is a tricky parameter to nail down mathematically, as it involves not only the fineness of detail that can be captured, but the "crispness" of the images in question. Crispness can best be thought of as how abruptly transitions from light to dark or dark to light occur. In our camera-testing work at Imaging Resource, it's been clear for years now that cameras that perform well on resolution test charts don't necessarily produce images that we perceive as being "sharp."To address this issue, the image scientists at DxO came up with a measurement they call the "Blur Experience Unit," or "BxU." BxUs are a mathematical measurement that correlates very well with human perceptions of image sharpness. One BxU roughly corresponds to a "blur more" operation in Photoshop.