آزمايش نسخه بتاي اين دوربين توسط jeff ascough در Wedding Photography (يكي از عكاسان بنام در اين زمينه):
اين هم نتيجه گيري:
In conclusion; I would say that hand on heart this is the best digital SLR I have ever used. Ergonomically the MKIII was always exceptional, but Canon have added amazing high iso image quality and solid AF to the package making a stunning camera. Ok, I accept that it isn't full frame, but like I said earlier, it wasn't ever an issue in the cut and thrust of shooting - and there are some advantages for using a cropped sensor.
The quality of the files from this camera makes me believe that we are finally at the stage where we can buy a DSLR and know it will produce stunning results for many years to come - the necessity to upgrade won't as great as it has been in previous years.
ظاهرا خيلي از اين دوربين خوشش آمده و آن را بهترين دوربيني دانسته كه تابحال استفاده كرده. مخصوصا از عملكرد نويزي دوربين و همچنين اتوفكوس آن.
كراپ 100% در ISO 1600:
كراپ 100% در ISO 12800:
(سايز بزرگتر در خود سايت ايشان موجود است)