Encroaching Evil by country boy shane
Encroaching Evil by country boy shane
Canon 5D MK II | Canon 24-105 F4 IS | Canon 70-200 f4 IS
Lowepro Slingshot 300 | Flash Canon 430 EX II |
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عکسهای دیگر این عکاس
پست 2005 کلیسای روتردامه؟
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED
Location: Shakopee, MN
Date: Jun 21, 2009
ot as dangerous as you would think. This gator has been with me for 17 years now and has put up with a lot from me over the years - photographically speaking. Shes 7 feet long and about 125 lbs.
We simply dressed her, no drama or fear or anything else. It's very cool having that kind of a relationship (alright, not THAT kind of relationship!) with an alligator and being able to interact without fear on either side.
As for the shot, it's not too far from being out of camera. I saturated the sky a bit as it was too white. I applied some vignetting to the sides to focus the attention to the center, and I cloned out a small segment of a leash she was wearing that extended to the left. The most fun part of the shoot was that we took her to what we thought was a pretty remote area in the country, and it turned out that there is a nature preserve further down the road. The double takes we got as people crossed over the tracks and saw what we were doing was truly priceless.
Here is a link to some of the other photos we've done with her over the years.
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عکاس باشی! عکاس باشی! عکستو بی هوا بگیر!
یه عکس بی پرده ناب از روزگار ما بگیر!
این عکسها بهترین عکسایی که این هفته دیدم نبودن اما به هر حال فکر کنم دیدنشون جالب باشه واسه دوستان.
این زیر هم میتونین بقیه عکسها رو ببینین:
کد:http://photo.net/photos/Marcin Sacha http://m.sacha.comitto.eu
سجاد عبدالهی
Canon EOS 5D Mark II/Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM/Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM /Canon EF 180mm f/3.5 L USM Macro /Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG
خب شاید همچین عکس زیبایی نباشه برای من که مشتاق بودم ببینم پر شتاب ترین ماشین دنیا چه ریخت و قیافه ای داره جالب بود اسم جالبی هم بهش دادن گودزیلا !!
عکاس باشی! عکاس باشی! عکستو بی هوا بگیر!
یه عکس بی پرده ناب از روزگار ما بگیر!