هک 49 از نسخه Allbest منتشر شد و تغییرات به قدری زیاده که نیاز به چندین صفحه توضیح داره
مثل همیشه هک رو از این آدرس
دریافت کنید و برای توضیحات کامل به آدرس زیر برید
و مخصوصا مسائل مربوط به Auto Iso رو مطالعه کنید
دیروز به طور مکرر هک های 46 و 47 و 48 و 49 منتشر شد که نسخه های قبلی دارای باگ بودن و ورژن 49 بالاخره تثبیت شد. واقعا به پشتکار Developer ها باید آفرین گفت.
Hello, my friends
There are very much of changes that was made since build 37.
An information about most of these changes has been posted in different threads on this forum
I publicize on this page report about all of these changes.
Here you can download new versions:
Autobuild path (recent changes): Index of /hdk/autobuild/
and here Index of /chdk/
Added support of the next set of camera models:
+ ixus850 (sd800)( mrblack51 )
+ ixus860_sd870 - 100c ( Grand )
+ Ixus950_sd850 - 100c ( whoever )
+ ixus55_sd450 - 100c, 100b (3DBruce )
+ ixus65_sd630 - 100a ( cail )
+ ixus70_sd1000 - 100c ( quietschi )
+ a460 - 100d ( brabl2 )
+ a530 - 100a ( image13 )
+ A540 - 100b ( image13 )
+ A550 - 100c ( muttley )
+ Much of work with new camera code implementation in main trunc
+Source code refinement
+ Fixed GUI bug with 64s override
+ Added multipartition support for A560, A570.
+ A720: fixed bug in keyboard in playback mode ()
+ Added OPTICAL ZOOM IN VIDEO (except A650, A720, IXUS65)
+ A650: added DataGhost's multipartition boot engine
+ Now OSD output in review mode (after shoot) can be turned off fully or partially for a650
Great changes from fingalo:
+Added user menu option for instant display on ALT
User menu. In OSD parameters.
To the user menu you can copy other menuitems to build your favorite menu. (Up to 10 entries)
- User Menu Enable 'Off': User Menu not active.
- User Menu Enable 'Edit': Go to to the User Menu and position on the line where you like to add entries.
Now just go to the menuitem (anywhere) you like to copy. Press FUNC/ERASE/SHOOT_HALF. It is now copied to usermenu (and you can select another and press FUNC/ERASE/SHOOT_HALF. Pressing FUNC/ERASE/SHOOT_HALF (and 'Edit' mode) while in the User Menu will erase the menu item.
- User Menu Enable 'On': Will replace the 'main menu' and use the 'user menu' as your first menu in ALT. Last entry is jump to Main Menu.
- User Menu Enable 'On Direct'.
Will display the 'User Menu' as soon as you press ALT.
Pressing MENU now will display normal menu and now the 'normal' menu sequence follow. new
As cameras have different keyboards I used icz's proposal for the add key:
SHOOT_HALF for the following cameras:
ixus700_sd500, ixus800_sd700, a560, ixus850_sd800, ixus70_sd1000, ixus950_sd850
FUNC / ERASE for the rest.
+Added remote control for ixus700_sd500
+ Wontollas Disk Space Icon
+ horizontal/vertical Space Bar
+ Setting of Size of Space Bar (now real full screen without safety pixel substractions)
+ OSD Clock now with Seconds (togglable)
+ in record mode, when you half-press shoot button, now most icons (battery,filespace,raw status...) disappear
+ updated english & german.lang file
+ width/height of spacebar now togglable (between about 7 ("canvas" is about 6 pixels, so the actual minimum information bar can be set to ONE pixel, almost too small) pixels and 17 pixels, check it out)
+ New Warning thresholds introduced, you can choose between threshold in MB and Percent.
Example: You can set it so that Space Icon will turn red when free_space under 100 MB. Or you can set it so that Space Icon will turn red when freespace under 10% - setting applies to all space related texts/icons.
+ New RAW Counter threshold, you can set it so that the RAW counter blinks when for example under 10. Previous setting was hardcoded to 1. Also changed: No "Warning" String anymore, just blinking between warning color and OSD color.
+ Raw Counter now enabled by default
+ new get statements available in ubasic: get_disk_size, get_free_disk_space - returns values in KB. you can build scripts now which stop when specific disk limit exceeded, for example.Divide by 1024 to have an "easier" calculation.
+ get_jpg_count and get_raw_count ubasic commands
a few enhancements, bugfixes
+ added new color: file space icon BACKGROUND (easier reading with a dark transparent background).
+ adjustable behaviour of clock in time of half press shutter button
+ added new clock submenu
+ switch between 12/24h format of clock with adjustable day-night indicator
a few enhancements, bugfixes
custom AutoIso feature
( Custom AutoISO )
-additional submenu entry "Custom Auto Iso" in parent menu "Extra photo operation"
Settings in this menu entries allow to tune up work of Auto ISO algorithm taking into account
specific user requests (IS, ISO & shutter limits). Auto ISO feature works in every mode except M and TV when Auto or Hi ISO is turned on and flash mode is any except Auto Flash mode
Description by menu entries:
-"Minimal Shutter speed". Possible to choose fixed values or "Auto" type of value (default and recommended).
When "Auto" was choose Shutter speed is calculated via the formula 1/fl, where fl is focus distance
-"User Factor (1/FL/factor)"- applicable to the case when "Minimal Shutter speed" parameter is in "Auto" state.
In this case for calculation of "Minimal Shutter speed" formula 1/FL/factor is used (factor is user chosen value)
-"IS Factor (Tv*factor)" - applicable to the case when "Minimal Shutter speed" parameter is in "Auto" state as above.
This menu entry is accessible only for cameras with IS. When your camera is in IS mode than shutter speed will be calculated by using of formula Tv*factorIS=factorIS/FL/factor where factorIS is user selectable value via this menu entry. Default value is "2"
-"Max ISO HI (x10)" - Maximal ISO value for given camera in ISO HI mode.There is a need to set maximum REAL Iso value for given camera (or lesser value from user point of view). You can see real ISO value in miscellaneous values (it is necessary to toggle this
item in "miscellaneous values" CHDK submenu). For example choose ISO 800 via Canon menu. Next half press Shutter button. Now you can see "real" ISO value that corresponds to "market" ISO 800. This value will be limit ISO in calculation when camera in Hi ISO mode
-"Max ISO AUTO (x10)" Corresponding value for Auto ISO mode
-"Min ISO (x10)" - Minimal "Real" ISO value for given camera (you can recieve it by experiments or set this value at your option)
mkmenuts more deep clarification: CHDK firmware usage/AllBest - CHDK Wiki
stevetm2 + Added adjustable zoom scale (for converters): I'd like to 'commit' changes to chdk but I need write access to assembla...
+Fixed: negative values of EFL for a650
+added "raw" and "filespace" submenus in "OSD parameters" parent menu
+small menu rearranging