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موضوع: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III

  1. #71
    كاربر همراه
    تاریخ عضویت
    June 2008
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    پیش فرض Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III Digital Field Guide

    English | 288 pages | Wiley (July 7, 2009) | ISBN: 0470409495 | PDF | 19.3 MB

    Essential, no-fail photography techniques in a full-color, portable guide. Confidently create beautiful photographs with the powerful features on your Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III camera and this essential guide. A workhorse camera for photojournalists and sports and wildlife photographers, the 1Ds Mark III yields spectacular results, once you master its intricacies.

    This easy-to-follow book is the latest in the bestselling Digital Field Guide series that has taught thousands of photographers and beginners how to get the most out of their digital cameras. Get to know your 1Ds Mark III, understand how to use all its robust features, then take this handy-sized portable guide with you in the field for quick and easy reference.
    - Master your Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III inside and out: 21.1 megapixels, 5fps, 3-inch LCD, Live View, and high-precision AF system
    - Find pages of step-by-step techniques, professional tips, and no-fail formulas that will help you get the results you want
    - Learn where to find and how to master your camera's sophisticated menu system, picture modes, and settings

    Go under the hood of your sophisticated new camera with this essential guide-it covers more than the manual!
    ویرایش توسط M.Mobin : Friday 20 April 2012 در ساعت 17:15 دلیل: حذف تصویر به خاطر تغییر لینک
    farhad44 تشکر می‌کند.

  2. #72
    Forum Moderator Navid7h آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2008
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    پیش فرض پاسخ: معرفي غول جديد كنون EOS-1Ds Mark III

    شرکت Canon ویرایش جدید Firmware این دوربین را منتشر کرد.

    Firmware Version 1.3.0 incorporates the following improvements.

    1. Supports the WFT-E2 II wireless file transmitter that was released in December 2009.
    Behzad Tak و tanhatanha تشکر می‌کنند.
    نوید حسینیان | پیوسته

  3. #73
    Forum Moderator mreza1001 آواتار ها
    تاریخ عضویت
    January 2008
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    پیش فرض

    آقا این قبلی مال سری اس نیست. من رفتم به بن بست خوردم!

    این مال سری اس 1.2.0

    Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III Firmware Update
    1986 و 47amir تشکر می‌کنند.
    محمد رضا میلانی

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