Create a new folder with an appropriate name on your computer's hard disk.
Download F-D3100-V101W.exe (Windows) or F-D3100-V101M.dmg (Macintosh) to the folder created in step 1.
Run F-D3100-V101W.exe or F-D3100-V101M.dmg to create the folder titled D3100Update, containing the following file:
* D31000101.bin: the firmware
4. Format an SD memory card with the camera and use a card reader or similar device to copy D31000101.bin to the memory card.
5. Insert the SD memory card containing the downloaded firmware into the camera and turn on the camera. Select Firmware version from the setup menu and follow the instructions displayed to upgrade the camera’s firmware.
6. After the upgrade is complete, turn the camera off and remove the memory card.
7. Access the Firmware version item in the setup menu to confirm that the camera’s firmware has been upgraded.