شایعه جدیدی در سایت شایعات نیکون گذاشته شده.
این شایعه توسط jeff-c در فروم دپریوو منتشر شده.
این جناب jeff-c همون کسی هست که قبلا تاریخ دقیق معرفی نیکون دی 90 در 27 آگوست و همچنین تاریخ معرفی دی 3 و دی 300 رو از قبل خبر داده بودن!
و حالا خبر از دوربین جدیدی از نیکون رو دادن که 24 مگاپیکسل و در فرمت 135 هست و حدود 45 روز دیگه (دسامبر) قراره معرفی بشه :::big grin:::
On the dpreview discussion “When will the Nikon 24 mega sensor camera come out“, Jeff-c wrote today:
“A high pixel count pro body in 135 format, about 45 days to go for more details.

This would be the second source that talks about a new camera being released in December 2008, unless he means that he will just have more info in 45 days.
Jeff-c is known to have advanced knowledge about upcoming Nikon products and he was right many times before (I could not find a case where he was not correct, please send me a link if you find one). All of his dpreview posts can be found here.
Thanks Cap. Kirk!
Update: OK, I will dig in the dpreview history of jeff-c:
* On August 8th 2008, he said “Aug. 27th. That’s all I can say and it’s not a second information.

”. D90 was released on August 27th - CORRECT (source).
* July 2007: “Two new cameras - August announcement” - Nikon D3 and D300 were released in August 2007 - CORRECT (source).
* On April 1st (or May 30th) he wrote about a new AF-S 50mm f/1.2G lens - this was probably a joke, or he was talking about the AF-S 50mm f/1.4G.