دوستانی که در مورد فیلمبرداری با دوربینهای SLR سوالاتی دارن میتونن از این تاپیک استفاده کنن.
وبسایت dpreview.com مقالهای با عنوان Video Compression, Codecs and Transcoding منتشر کرد که در آن به نحوه ذخیرهسازی دادههای ویدیویی اشاره شده.
Video compression is clearly our friend because without a lot of compression we would have a very hard time handling the massive data we get from a 1080p video stream. Think of two mega pixels per frame at 24, 30 or 60 frames per second (translates to 48, 60 or even 120 mega pixels data per second). On the flip side, video compression reduces the possible image quality we can get. It is good to better understand how we deal with the implications of compressed data. It is kind of like the difference between Raw and JPEG images for still cameras, though with video the compression is a lot stronger. That said, it's important to consider that when we watch a movie, the moving image is rarely analyzed as critically as still images