به امید روزی که کنون دوربینی بدون سیستم انعکاسی منشور و آینه (همانند Panasonic G1) و با مشخصاتی مشابه این دوربین و با وزن و قیمتی نصف آن عرضه کند.

این آرزو چندان هم دور نیست

ظاهرا كنون هم حس كرده كه اين مدل دوربين ها مشتري خوبي خواهند داشت و احتمالا در سال آينده نمونه اي از آن را عرضه خواهد كرد.
بنا بر بخشي از مصاحبه DpReview.com با Masaya Maeda يكي از مديران ارشد كنون :
All the buzz at this year's Photokina has been around the concept of the 'mirrorless' interchangeable lens camera
following the launch of Micro Four Thirds. Is this an area Canon is interested in?
"We welcome this move to activate general market expansion, and we think it's very positive. We're not just observing what's happening in the market with the developments recently announced by Panasonic and Olympus; where we see a new market we are also looking to participate. Regarding the compact market, though you mention it's not exciting, we will come with new exciting developments next year, so please wait and look forward to next year