کن راکول یه دسته بندی از عکاسان داره که خیلی جالبه. به دوستان عزیز توصیه می کنم بخونن بعد ببینید تو کدوم level قرار می گیرید.
The Seven Levels of Photographers
level دو رو خودم اینجا قرار می دم تا دوستانی که بدون توجه به لینکها نظر می دن نگاهشون بهش بیفته.
Rich Amateur: Level 2 back to top
These are amateurs who, by having too much money, buy lots of equipment which can fetter their freedom of expression. They are mostly men, and many are old or retired.
Rich amateurs shoot Leicas, Contaxes, Alpas, Hasselblads and Linhof 4x5s. These are great cameras, but the results are the same as the Zenits, Pentaxes, Bronicas and Tachiharas.
Today they mostly shoot Canon 1Ds-Mk IIIs, 5D Mark IIs or the Nikon D3X.
These are the same idiots who bought the first 2.7 Megapixel digital SLRs designed for newspapers like the Nikon D1 back in 2000 just because they cost $5,000. They gave technically poorer results than the film cameras used by snapshooters. All because it's expensive doesn't make it good.
Bad rich amateurs think fuzzy B/W images of poor people are art.
Some rich amateurs fall into the bottom spiritual level easily because they worry too much about equipment, others go straight on to create great art since they don't have any worries about equipment since they think they own the best. Oddly, few rich amateurs produce ordinary work. It either rules or sucks.