اگر كلاسهاي آموزشي عكاسي را هم جزو محصولات عكاسي بتوان حساب كرد، خواندن مطلب زير خالي از لطف نيست.
توضيح اينكه من دقيقا 25 سال پيش از طريق يك آگهي در مجله ي لايف با New York Institute of Photography آشنا شدم و با آنها مكاتبه كردم كه جنگ ايران و عراق مانع از رفتنم شد و ....
دو سال پيش فيلم ياد هندستان كرد و رفتم در گوگل و آدرسشان را پيدا كردم و عضو Newsletter شان شدم كه هر از گاهي چند اي ميلي برايم مي فرستند.
همه ي اين صغرا كبراها براي اين بود كه عرض كنم اوضاع اقتصادي اينقدر خراب است كه مديران اين انستيتوي معتبر را واداشته كه نامه ي التماس آميز براي جذب هنر جو بنويسند كه براي من تعجب انگيز و تاسف آميز بود :
Dear Farhad,
You recently reviewed the enrollment information about our Complete Course in Professional Photography. Perhaps recent political and economic events have delayed your decision to enroll. We know these are challenging times with economic issues that span the globe.
In times such as these, investing in education is the best way to prepare yourself for the future. This is a good time to develop new skills that could be used on your job, for a career change, or for freelance opportunities. Enroll at the start of this New Year, and in a few months you could be on your way to a new career!
The entire staff and faculty of NYIP extend to you our wishes for a healthy and peaceful New Year.
Enroll now! Special New Year's International Savings on NYI's Complete Courses ends January 16, 2009!
NYI has a perfect course for every type of Photographer:
The Complete Course in Professional Photography.
The Complete Course in Digital Photography: Photoshop for Photographers.
There are lots of ways you can learn a new subject – you could buy several books and take the do-it-yourself approach, or you could attend a residential program. The former leaves a lot to chance, and the latter is time-consuming and expensive. We think a better alternative is NYI’s special home-study program so you can learn professional photography in your spare time, at your own pace, in your own home, while having the opportunity to work with NYI’s staff of professionals.
Enroll Now and Save Up to $400!
خلاصه گفتم اين را اينجا عرض كنم و آدرس سايت رو هم بگذارم شايد به درد كسي بخورد :