نوشته اصلی توسط
شما یا مطالعه نداری یا فرا موش کردی اون چیزی که شما میگی زیپ به هش میگن شبیه فلاپی هجمش در هدود 250m - 400mبیشتر لیتوگرافی ها ازش استفاده می کنن یک سری از این مدل رو با دستگاهش هنوز از زمانی که چاپخانه خودم رو جمع کردم دارم

The Microdrive is a brand name for a miniature, 1-inch hard disk designed to fit in a CompactFlash (CF) Type II slot. The release of similar drives by other makers has led to them often being referred to as 'microdrives'. However, 'microdrive' is not a genericized trademark[1] and manufacturers other than IBM up to 2003 and Hitachi after do not officially refer to these drives as Microdrives. Some other companies such as Sony have licensed the name and sell re-branded versions, others such as Seagate have their own designs which fit in the same form factor.
These drives fit into any CompactFlash II slot; however, they may consume more power than flash memory (currents on the order of 190 mA, peak 310 mA, at 3.3 V) and therefore may not work in some low-power devices (e.g. handheld computers). Nevertheless, they have some benefits over flash memory in terms of the way data is stored and manipulated. Microdrives can store 8 GB or more, but must be formatted for a file system which supports this capacity, such as ext3 or NTFS which might not be supported by older CompactFlash hosts. To avoid this problem, the operating system may partition a drive so that each filesystem is smaller than 4Gb.
متاسفانه عکسی از CF باز شده پیدا نکردم ولی ۱۰۰ درصد مطمئن باشید که داخل چیزی جز چند تا دونه RAM وجود نداره.
CompactFlash was originally built around Intel's NOR-based flash memory, but it has switched over to NAND.[2] CF is among the oldest and most successful formats, and has held to a niche in the professional camera market especially well. It has benefited from having both a better cost to memory-size ratio than other formats for much of its life, and generally from having available capacities larger than other formats.
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