با همه گير شدن فيلمبرداري HD در بسياري از دوربين هاي عكاسي ظاهرا ترنسند كارتهاي جديدي با نام SDHCV يا SDHC HD video card به بازار معرفي كرده است.

نقل قول از سايت ترنسند :
Designed for high end video cameras, Transcend's HD Video Card is rated SDHC Class 6 to provide extremely fast data transfer speeds (guaranteed minimum write speed of 6MB/s) and assure quick reaction time when used in digital cameras and camcorders. This card is optimized for Full HD 1080p video recording, which allows users to capture every moment in breathtaking detail! Transcend’s SDHC HD Video Cards also feature a useful space for labeling and organizing recorded video content, and is also backed by Transcend’s comprehensive Lifetime Warranty